Monday, November 01, 2004

Who the hell am I?

Are we all restless and escaping the small voice which tells us that 'this is not my place,these are not my kind of people' ..or it's only I who feels such.I have noticed that my sensitivity is somewhat more acute than most people I have come across.It makes them more adjusted and it leaves me always with a confused and exhausted state.Most people would shudder in horror seeing mass murder of thousand of people as perpetrated by thugs like Hitler and his kind,but would have no registration of any feeling seeing a flower die or earthworms trampled on the pavement after a rainy day.I sometimes am too numb to notice that our next door kid committed suicide over a girl and other times I am brought to tears at the sight of a stray dog running around to find shelter as the cold rain drops in a cold month falls on it's old and weak body.People call me 'iceberg' and some call me 'sensitive'.I sometimes wonder who the real me is?The small child shrinking in his shell,afraid to see the cruel giants around him or a mindless brute,finding himself in an alien land deried by angels who walk upon the planet.Whatever it is..oh well.


Dewdrop said...

Celebrating AshYou are special. In the whole big wide world there is nobody like you. Nobody has your smile, your eyes, your nose, your hair, your hands, your voice, your handwriting, your tastes for food or music or art.
No one sees things just as you do. In all of time there has been no one who laughs like you, no one who cries like you. And what makes you laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughter and tears from anybody else, ever..No one reacts to any situation just as you would react. You are the only one in all creation who has your set of abilities. There may be others with greater talents, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of your combination of talents, ideas, abilities and feelings. You are rare and in rarity, there is great value to us here on earth,

God has made you this way. So meet the world with a smile on your face and thank God for His love and grace because...

You are special!!

Anonymous said...

that makes you YOU!


Keshi said...

Ash...I agree with Dewdy. We all are unique - there's no other person in this world who looks and feels exactly like you. There will only be one YOU ever - I always found that amazing and to a certain extent that made me believe that there is someone called God who made us all...

I love your post because it made me realise that I have some very contrasting qualities within myself. Sometimes I'm as quiet as a mouse, an at other times I'm as fierce as a lioness...sometimes I feel utter despair for the refugees and at other times I feel disgusted with them for treading on forbidden shores...sometimes I feel life is beautiful and soemtimes I feel it is one shit hole...sometimes I'm all so against racism but at other times I get pissed with some of them...

But Ash, you certainly don't belong here...because you are one exceptional guy I have ever come have truely beautiful qualities that's rare and so very special...and I mean it when I say that. You made me realise that there are actually really amazing men in this world...


Anonymous said...

... that was an unbelievably good post... are you a professional writer?

Jim said...

i dunno who the hell ur
but u SUXS !