Tuesday, April 25, 2006


silence creates vaccums.
i'm all dressed up and nowhere to go.black asphalt,bricks and mortar beckon me,but i won't move.the taste of inertia is like lsd on the tip of your tongue--when time evaporates into hazy fogs,buds open into carnivourous flowers which can gulp infinities,and stars are little naked children running on black-sand beaches.statues are cute in a way,aren't they?.creating an illusion of stability amongst chaos;boulders amidst flowing waves.i have a weakness for metaphysical and obtuse.where complexities converge into gaping holes,finally coming back full circle into nothingness from which everything started.that might be the fate of this universe,or the beyond after-death.fleeting glimpses of happiness are perception loopholes.just that perception loopholes.
vaccums create silences.


Anonymous said...

hey akshay...ssup...well just sayin hi..last time you disappeared on me idiot....well anyway you take care and enjoy yourself..:)

Jim said...

vaccums create silences.

i have to remain silent
i dont no wat the fuck u talking about

Russell CJ Duffy said...

saby is a dick.

great post.

Keshi said...

Ash u write too good...ur mind is a emotional gold repository!

**that might be the fate of this universe,or the beyond after-death

I think so too...from dust to dust...


Ashes said...

shyamala--ah! i did? maybe the damn internet thingy.and yeah always good to know you're around

Saby--i don't know how to explain Saby.i can't i reckon.

cocaine jesus--thanks.coming from you it's an honour.

Keshi--delighted to see you Keshi.i am sorry that i havent been checking your blog too regularly.hope you are doing well.

{illyria} said...

silences create vacuums create silences. the logic is infallible. awesome piece of writing.

sebia said...

ok back again fr sm ..
silence creates vaccuums(duh and i thought..electonic companies create vaccuums:p(ok a pj:)never mind..
no place 2 go..hmm..u nitwit..u frgt abt the dinner on alps:(..u kunjoos kakri=miser,,,bang dang..
u wont move..hmmm..let me bring out all the brickbats on ur head..thn ash and cash..and both tango and cash will run:P
after reading such..totally random chaos theories of yours..i swear its me who wanna turn carnivorous..grrrr
ok back to vaccuums are we...sheesh....and i lost moi brains smwhere in between..ur x effect ash..all the way.
p.s(if u develop any sudden urge to kill me..u know where 2 find me:P)

Keshi said...

never be sorry Ash...we r mates for life...


Ashes said...

transience--yeah,it seems logic flows from emotions and they aren't as much different as made out to be.always wonderful to hear from you.

Sebia--ah!*smiles* and believe me your comment was more complex and mystical than anything i have written.i wouldn't want to kill you yet though.do wait.

Keshi--right on,mate.

Anonymous said...

have u two mated??