Thursday, August 02, 2007


Exhausted—that’s how I feel. The trivialities of life sometimes seem so enormous, hiding the beauty that the world has inherently. And I do have this tendency to be blind to whatever is white and an affinity for whatever is bleak. So the greys don’t exist for me. It’s easier isn’t it, to see life as simple black and white. But then that’s the way I am. I don’t feel eccentric at all when I feel no need for long lasting human contact. And whatever they think, I am not cold. I just have sensitivities which are tangents to what normal sensitivities are. I still feel an enormous excitement when I read complex mathematics and I am good with numbers since I was little. They present a stability and they don’t talk back. They are as silent as I can be and that makes me comfortable in their company.
It’s a strange world in which we live. I’m just adding to the strangeness.


Anonymous said...

u r not strange
u r weird

dat makes u a weirdo

Ashes said...

fuck that! tell me something new

Anonymous said...


u r not a weirdo
does that make u happy?

AVIANA said...

hey wingless bird,

how are ya?

again thanks for stopping by...

interesting post here...

when you say you have a tendency to be blind to whatever is white is it because you choose to be? exactly what is the draw to the bleak? is it the curiousity of trying to figure things out....which i think would make sense since you get excited abou the complexities of mathematics...

anyhow, have a nice weekend! :)

Ashes said...

anonymous--no fibbing,smartass.

aviana--it's a disposition,you know.An inherent facination with the dark side of life,maybe trying to face my fears have made me love my fears.

ie said...

numbers do attract me. if they're people, i'm certain i'd like to meet them, as they'd probably have less insecurities than i do.

Keshi said...

I too am weird in many ways...but that adds to the 'normality' of the world :)


De.vile said...

I lose faith in math, it's too structured to be real. But then you Do like idealism.

Ah, well, your beautiful strange. And if you like to be alone that's a lot better (and peaceful) than never having people around when you want them.

Ashes said...

ie--numbers have insecurities too.they told me the other day how silly they feel when I like music more somedays.

keshi--oh you arent weird.maybe,in a nice way you are. long as you are there,who gives a fuck about people

Keshi said...

I agree with DeVile...u r beautiful strange..and thats why I love ya Ashes.


Keshi said...

hey Strange man..:) come ova n see if u can give me a good title for my post..


Sach1 said...

Strange but almost every second stranger will add up strangeness the same strange way as you did!