Thursday, August 11, 2005

I eat the lotus

Sometimes I am wondering where is the youthful energy that my age should have?It has vanished or it never was?I think it never was,not atleast the energy which would make me 'enjoy' the shit I was doing just to feel the happiness for a moment.Or maybe I was born with a different vibrational setup.A certain frequency which vibes only with the absoluteness of things and of the grandeour of the beyond.The eartly things have become too banal for me.Maybe impure is the word.I seek purity.And while I am burdened with the fact that I carry a pure core and I have tried my best to scar my periphery,thats my only hope as well.The Alchemy concept is beautifully poetic resemblance.The fire of the collective self-destruction over the years have all melted the baser metals in me.The shining gold is what I hide in my core.Maybe it's a shinning star I hide in my starless heart skies.In the tumultuous waves of my emotion upheavals,it's the star thats should guide.The lonesome star fumbles and takes me to the depths of rage,emotions over reason and jealousy at the people who can think rationaly and can dissect the subtleties of life with ease.I am hurt by ambition and drive.Because I lack it.I never had it.And now the barreness of me angers me.The chains of past bound me and the futility of breaking myself free drains me.No words,no medicines,no therapies seem to help me.I want to help myself.I can't.I will once again wear the mask of 'I am okay,don't waste yer time tellin me otherwise' or maybe the mask of indifference which always works,when I am with people.There are times when I have tried to lower the mask and show my real self.Most don't seem to notice it.Maybe they intentionally don't want to see it.It makes me feel ugly and the 'indifference' mask always brings the response that I am cool.Underneath I seethe.They say I am cool.What irony,what paradox.Maybe I chose the wrong people.But why most times I feel that I am wrong.Intrinsically.Except the core.And the tension is the core.The muck is all around,it's the small lotus which makes the prescence of muck disgusting.Rationally it seems easier to wipe away the lotus.But I love it,I want it to stay.I shall suffer.I am getting back into my 'I am cool' stance.I am wearing the mask again.So all those who want to preach 'duh!!'.


Anonymous said...

...preach because they care for you...)

Ashes said...

anonymous@10:56--i give a damn?(my mask in on now)

De.vile said...

Masks are good, they make things easier for people to understand.

Anonymous said...

Ur lazy pyromaniac.

laziness is there because ur timid.

but at the sametime you are pyromaniac... n this deep contrast is ur life :-) i envy you.

Anonymous said...

display name is lazy focking philosophist

he is an idiot because he is an idiot

Keshi said...

A mask can be ur savior even if u dun want it to be...truly awesome post Ash!

Dewdrop said...

Masks are deceptive, get if off

Ashes said...

de.vile--easier to understand,nah you meant easier to judge.I hear you loud and clear,lovey.

display_name--umm..pyromnaic.know what I like the term 'fire Starter' better.and I'm flattered that I am envied.wanna change places?

anonymous@09:22--'the idiot' thingy was for him or for me?

keshi--*smiles* yeah masks save.Maybe work both ways,save me and save the people on the opposite side of the mask.

dewdrop--to acknowledge that what you are doin is deception,isn't it honesty?

Anonymous said...

not at u ashes

Ashes said...

display_name--I recall a Metallica song "careful of what you wish,you just might get it"

anonymous@11:29--thanks *shrugs*

Anonymous said...

i wish the same 2 u