Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Comparisons

Saby has a link in this blog..'Slyvia Plath reincarnated' which directs to my blog.I am amazed at the parallel.How can one ,even someone as sick as saby is,compare me with S.Plath.I had no idea of anyone existed by that name until sometime ago.And even then i didn't bother to check what/who she was.I however thought that she might be some drug infested rock n roll chick who had a melancholy streak in her.Even in the past I was compared with people like Kurt Cobian and Jim Morrison,both of whom I loved as musicians but hated as individuals.An extension of self hate maybe.I would have liked people to compare me musically with them(though on second thoughts highly unlikely to compare me musically with Kurt,I was never a grunge guy..acid music is what we did),but all they saw was the same self destructive streak.I have kind of developed a paranoia about me living past 27.Both died at around that age.I have 4 years to reach 'em.oh well..Sylvia Plath though is a different kinda person.De.vile if i gather first remarked bout her in one of our talks.I however read about her only when i saw the name again in Saby's link.She seemed to be a real talent with words.A troubled soul nevertheless.And yeah,she too killed herself.I am not gonna kill myself.It's too damn easy.In that sense I am a sadist
.Not that there aren't good moments living in here.I do enjoy the company of certain ppl.But mostly things and people disappoint me.Or as Kurt sang ~Things have never been so swellI have never failed to fail~

And yeah Sebia..i'll write something funny sometime soon.I had the mood to write something nicer today,but that link kinda swayed my moods.


Jim said...

Heyy Ashes
uno wat !
God posted on my blog main page

and dis wont surprise u
He dont like u

Anonymous said...

serious rock lovers r sick guys, anyway.no wonder u find them commiting suicide.

they got no life , no job....
only good thing is they speak very well de facto language english .Besides u find em just carping about life .nitpicking others, preaching on philosophy.nothing achieved in life.....duds literally..

Keshi said...

Saby wth is wrong with ya? Are you trying to make someone else be someone else than himself? You cant..don't even go there. You can adivse someone but there's no way you can make him a complete stranger to what he is - everyone is unique...and Ash is no Sylvia Plath...Ash is Ash. Let him have his identity.

Saby I know that you're trying to make Ash feel better but can you ever be in his shoes? Would you ever know what he's been through? I don't think so. So don't judge him so easily. We all have a part in this world and we can never be in someone else's body and soul. Only they will know what they are going through. So stop comparing him - it's not nice.

Anonymous commentor, serious rock lovers arent sick, just that they have learnt life's deeper lessons than many others who would never even realise that they will be in a coffin some day until all of a sudden they are dead! Not all rock lovers commit suicide - and many poor souls who never even heard a rock song commit suicide too...it is a combination of your personailty and the circumstances you face that may make you kill yourself...

You say rock lovers got no life, no job? LOL...I'm a serious rock lover but I have a job, I have a life and I aint suicidal :) So are many of my other friends who love rock music. No one's nitpicking or preaching anyone here...if anyone's doing it then it's you who's doing it here - go listen to some Queen or Axl Rose...you'll feel better :)


Anonymous said...

Heyyy Kesh,
i just want to make dis world a better place

if Ashes becomes Saby
Surely dis world wud be much nicer

i can just dream of a brand new world where evry body wud be either saby or julia

- Saby

Anonymous said...

i dont know ashes as much as i think i know saby. kesh dont talk things u dont know. dnt wanna come out rude, its just that saby has goje thru a lot himself an now he wants to erase it unlike ashes who talks. both good in their own ways.

Anonymous said...

whatever saby talks its genuine and its from his 54 years of expereince.U will not understand him before u turn 53 or u may not even understand him at all.His sense of humour and his acute perspicacity which makes him ingenious..i love this guy..


Jim said...

Shucks dis anony-mouse-lover-of -saby nos more about me than i want to no

is dis mouse God ?

Anonymous said...

saby shucks...when someone praises you, accept the praise ....atleast say thank you.


Dewdrop said...

Think I showed up here after a while. I hope this blog does not turn into some battlefield. Peace ya all :)